Friday, February 22, 2013

Hanging in There

Yep, I'm still alive and kicking, in case you were wondering.  I feel like I've been out of touch for a while.  Between doctor visits, hospital appointments, sickness, and just general upkeep, I've just been trying to make it through each day without someone throwing me in a padded cell.  I haven't really been able to communicate with the hubster in over a week I guess, and it's probably been the hardest week since he's been gone.  Sure there have been a couple of bad days here and there, but this has been the longest string of consecutive "hard days" yet.  And, of course, it has been the longest we've gone without talking.  Luckily, we got to Skype for a little while this morning, which was so nice, even though the quality was terrible.  So, just to update him and all of you, here's a summary of the last couple of weeks.

We'll start with a couple of fun ones.  First, I ordered some diapers from Cow Patties.  She hand makes cloth diapers and offers tons of different prints.  I got Star Wars and Hungry Caterpillar :}  Here's the Star Wars one:

Last weekend my mom and I went to a local winery, Three Sisters Vineyards, for a wine and chocolate tasting.  It was delish :}  Here's the plate of chocolates and souvenir wine glass we got:

Good times
That was on Saturday...Cameron got sick on Monday and is still sick :{  He caught the awful stomach bug that has been going around.  It hasn't been pretty, to say the least.  But worse than the "symptoms," shall we say, is that he just feels so bad.  He carries Wolfie around and sometimes he'll just lay down on the floor on top of's so pitiful.  I admit that I have enjoyed him being so cuddly and STILL!  I never get to just sit with him and watch a tv show because he never sits!  But I do hate that he feels so bad and wish there was something I could do :{  Unfortunately, a stomach virus has to just run its course.  We missed another whole week of day care this week (two weeks ago we missed a week because he had strep throat, but even then, he didn't feel this bad).  On Tuesday he decided to borrow little brother's Nap Nanny (which used to be his, actually) and relax a while:

Like I said, pitiful :{
On Wednesday we had an appointment for Jude at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.  We have a history of a blood disorder called Hemophilia on my side of the family, and there is a possibility that I passed on the gene to him.  Hemophilia is caused by a deficiency of a certain factor in the blood, in my family's case, Factor 9.  The blood does not clot properly if a factor is missing, which makes bleeding hard to get under control...even a small bruise can be dangerous, so we definitely want to find out if he has it or not.  We met with a hematologist at the hospital for an evaluation.  Unfortunately, Jude's level of Factor 9 was low enough to be a concern, but not low enough to get a definite diagnosis.  Apparently, all babies are born with low a Factor 9 doesn't peak until 6 months to a year old.  So, they want us to come back when he's at least 6 months to get his blood tested again.  While we were there we saw a room that was sponsored by the Ryan Seacrest Foundation.  Famous people periodically come to the hospital to meet patients and do a radio interview.  On that particular day Max Irons and Jake Able were the guests.  They are starring in The Host, which is based on a novel by Stephanie Meyer of Twilight fame.  Max has been in Red Riding Hood and Dorian Gray (and more importantly, he was a Burberry model :} ), and Jake has been in Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief and I Am Number Four.  The Host comes out March 29th.  Here they are:  

And here's my sweet baby, who started smiling on February 17th :}
So, that about covers it.  I also did A LOT of lanudry for reasons I won't discuss here :/   


  1. Hang in there, Momma! Hope our buddy, Cam, starts feeling better soon!!! Miss you guys!

  2. I'm so glad you get geeky about things like Star Wars and LOTR/The Hobbit. It makes me happy.
