Friday, October 21, 2011

Hands Up, Who Likes Me?

So, I've decided to create a blog.  Obviously.

I have been very reluctant to start one for various reasons, and in case your were wondering what those reasons might be, I'll share them with you now.

Reason One:  I've always had a weird complex about people thinking that what I have to say isn't important/interesting enough.  So, if I don't think anyone enjoys listening to me in person, why would I think anyone would care what I have to say in writing?  I'm not sure why or when I began to feel this way, but I've struggled with it for a long time.  As a result, I seem to have developed a pretty good filter for what I say during conversation (which some people may interpret as me being shy or reserved...really I'm just self-conscious :/ ).  Since I met my husband and became a part of the Army family, I have become much more open.  Josh let's me be myself completely, and has always seemed interested in anything I have to say (this is what attracted me to him on our first date...I immediately felt comfortable with him :} ).  And since being involved with the Army and having to constantly meet new people, I've really worked on becoming more open and confident.  Like I said, it's a struggle, but I think it's getting better :}

Reason Two:  I'm not a very good writer.  Seriously, ask my college composition professor.  (And yes, I was an English major).  He said I was a better verbal communicator, and in my writing I was "concise, to a fault."  So, if I'm ever "unclear" or "too vague" (notes I got on MANY of my papers), please don't hesitate to ask me to elaborate.

Reason Three:  I'm not a very tech savvy person.  And, frankly, this intimidates me.     

So, there are the main reasons I didn't want to start a blog.  Now, as someone who tends to consider the pros and cons of every decision, I'll tell you the reasons why I figured I should start one.

Reason One:  Everybody's doing it...I want to do it too!! (old college joke that seems appropriate :})

Reason Two:  I have a new baby!  And I want to share him with the world!  (P.S. He is four weeks old today!)  

Reason Three:  I miss my family and friends back home!  I've found that with a newborn I'm not as good about having phone conversations with anyone anymore (which many of you have noticed, I'm sure).  This is a good way to keep everyone updated, although I will try to get better about calling in the future, I promise! 

Reason Four:  I want to have a way to document Cameron's milestones.  I probably wouldn't write them down if I didn't have anyone to share them with.  So, hopefully this will keep me accountable.

In conclusion (please don't tell the above mentioned composition professor that I actually just said "In conclusion"...), I've decided that there are more reason for starting a blog that against here it is!  If you choose to read/follow my blog I'll  be flattered and grateful, and I hope you enjoy it.  If not, then it'll be more of a personal journal.  Either way, I think it will be good for me to have a way to express my feelings and reflect on what's happening in my life right now...that's how I see it anyway.  :} 


  1. Ummmm.. yay!!

    I can't think of a single thing you've ever said to me that I thought was not worth chatting about. So, at least one person in this world (well two including Josh.. and I'm sure your parents, it's clear that they adore you.. and Nancy's been your friend for a while so her too I'm guessing.) Okay.. so quite a few people in this world find you interesting.
    I love when my personal friends start blogs because you get to see a different side of them. We're all slightly different, or at least more detailed, behind a keyboard. And you'll be so glad you did this! I have a ton of fun (and sometimes cringe) looking back at my old posts :)

  2. Well the way "I" see it, as one of you longest standing and oldest friends, I do care what you have to say. If I didn't we wouldn't still be friends ;) teehee. I heart you friend. So get on with your blogging self! BLOG ON! :)
