It's OK...
that Cam's birthday party is in three weeks and I've done nothing, because tomorrow starts a four-day and I can hopefully get a lot done.
that we're moving in eight weeks (!) and I've done nothing, because I know that it will all get done and that the stress of it is worse than it will actually be.
if no housework gets done today, because I've been pretty good about keeping in clean lately and it's not too bad (and tomorrow starts a four-day :} ).
if pretty much anything goes wrong right now, because my sweet boy is WALKING, and when I see him making his way across the room looking so proud of himself, I can't help but be beside myself with happiness :}
And on a side note, I get to hear baby's heartbeat today! So, even thought life is about to get super crazy busy, there's a lot of good stuff happening and a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thursday!
Are you guys moving yourselves or hiring movers? I have a closet full of boxes that needs cleaned out. Those boxes could use a good home! All sizes.